Monday, 9 February 2009

Emily Quinn Caton makes an appearance in New York

Simon and Emily - photo taken on Skype on the net from New York

About two weeks ago, Meg (our VSO friend) was delighted to announce the birth of her first grandchild, born in New York to her son Simon and her daughter-in-law Sara who are working in the States and who, now that Emily has been born, will be working even harder.
Meg has only seen her on Skype so far but, as expected, she's gorgeous!! In just about four days she will be winging her way to New York to hold little Emily in her arms for the first time along with her daughters Ruth and Jenny who will also be meeting up there. We also hope to get a little sneak viewing of the big event.

Congratulations to Sara and Simon and welcome to the world to little Emily.

Emily was born at 8lbs 1oz on the evening of 23rd January 2009