At last we have received our final confirmation that we are going to Guyana. The last of the red tape has been completed and we should be off on 13th February 2007. The rest is up to us. We have now had all of our injections, including rabies, yellow fever etc etc and we just have to sort out the Malaria regime. The dentist is underway and all medical checks have been done. Yes, we have to have a full MOT. Some of the joints are a bit rusty but most of the infrastructure seems OK.
The next milestone is Lucy and Matt's return from their big adventure. We are expecting them on 9th December. How exciting! We received a picture of them on the Great Wall of China. We are just a little bit jealous!!!! They are back in Thailand now, chilling out before the long trip home.
Mary is working up to 26th January and I will try to sort out the things that need doing on the home front. If you look at the map, we will be in Linden in the North East of the country.