Monday 22 December 2008

Rotary Christmas Affair

Trying to get in the mood for Christmas we were invited to the Rotary Club Christmas Affair at Marian Academy. It was a slick performance and we saw the other half of Georgetown - the one you don't see every day - the wealthy or at least that's how it appeared. A beautifully decked stage heralded a host of talent through singers to steel pans and the famous Arturo Tappin - a brilliant Saxophonist with rasta hair going to below his knees. They call him Leon in Brazil. Well he looks like a lion with a tail. Everyone was good and pleasant to listen to but he had exceptional talent. What a performance.

It was all for charity and the artistes gave their skills for free. A good evening!

Miriam and Stephen - redressing the balance of the last post

Ron Robinson - local celebrity and broadcaster